Plateia Admin completed the requirement “Reply to an activity post 1 time” of the rank Bros
Plateia Admin earned 20 Plaza Stars
20 Points for create a group 1 time (limited to 1 per month) -
Plateia Admin earned 5 Plaza Stars
5 Points for invite someone to join a group 1 time (limited to 3 per day) -
Plateia Admin earned 5 Plaza Stars
5 Points for invite someone to join a group 1 time (limited to 3 per day) -
Plateia Admin completed the requirement “Send a friendship request 1 time” of the rank Bros
You’re now part of the core Plateia fam. Bros got each other’s back. You have unlocked new private groups, gated content, and quests.
Bro was originally an abbreviated form of the word brother but began to assume non-familial connotations in the 20th century.
In this evolution, it was first used to refer to another man, such as a “guy” or… - Load More Posts
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