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Cross-chain voting is chosen as the next feature for the Aragon App

Key takeaways

  • The results of the contest to pick the next feature in the Aragon App are in: the winner is cross-chain voting! Congratulations to Tony Stark for the winning submission—we’re adding cross-chain voting to our product backlog now! Thank you to everyone who participated and shared ideas for future features and integrations.
  • Getting savvy with a block explorer like Etherscan is a good idea if you have a token-based DAO on the Aragon App. With Etherscan, you can claim your token and update your logo to align with your DAO’s branding. Learn how to manage your DAO’s token information in this new guide.
  • dOrg, a technical service provider part of our DAO Experts program, accelerates your web3 and DAO development needs. They also operate as a DAO themselves! We had a conversation with them on X Spaces: listen here.

Cross-chain voting is chosen as the next feature for the Aragon App


The results of the jokerace are in: the winner is cross-chain voting!

We’re adding cross-chain voting to our product backlog now. Congratulations to Tony Stark for the winning submission and thank you to everyone who participated! We received tons of great ideas. Let’s check out the the top submissions:

1st: Cross-chain voting

“As a DAO expands operations across multiple blockchains, there is a need for the ability for members to vote on proposals no matter which chain they are interacting with. This will greatly improve the member experience of DAOs with tokens across multiple blockchains.”

2nd: Integration with Hats Protocol

“The integration will allow token-based DAOs to leverage Hats for building sub-structures with granular permissions similar to how a company is structured. This will increase execution speed and give teams operational autonomy while token holders will preserve the ultimate control.”

Tied for 3rd: Easy way to install/uninstall Aragon App plugins

“This is important for DAOs since it will enable a lot more experimentation and incentivize developers to build and test their plugins easier.”

Tied for 3rd: Plugin to swap assets natively in the App, like CowSwap

“This should go alongside some sort of graphic representation of assets in the Aragon App (e.g. pie graph) and being able to remove tokens/remove zero value tokens.”

Inspired by these ideas and want to start building a custom DAO or plugin on Aragon OSx? Get started here:

Developer Portal

Source: AragonDAO Newsletter

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